TravelSerbia.Info - Your travel guide for Serbia

Guča Festival

Forget Glastonbury, Oxegen, Reading, Burning Man and Cochella: the wildest music festival on earth is a cacophonic and crazy brass band festival that takes place every summer in the tiny Serbian town of Guča (pronounced "Gucha") in the western region of Dragačevo. What began as a small competition for the Dragačevo Assembly of Trumpet Players back in 1961 now attracts nearly half a million people every year. Given Guča's population is 3000 – it's some party. For an entire week the sound of thousands of blaring trumpets rends the air, playing everything from traditional Serbian folk and gypsy music to songs by the likes of Goran Bregović. Grilled meat washed down with potent plum brandy keeps you and the delirious crowd going, and don't be surprised to see Bregović or legendary filmmaker Emir Kusturica turn up with his band. Get there – and don't forget your ear plugs!

Next Upcoming Event is 10th-14th August 2011

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