TravelSerbia.Info - Your travel guide for Serbia

Serbian Wine

Although surrounded by quality wine producing countries such as Hungary, Romania and Croatia, Serbia itself is not currently known for producing quality wines. However, the geographic location is perfect, and although the soil is in general too good for best wines, quality wine producing is gaining momentum.

The Serbian wine industry is showing signs of significant growth, with In Vino, an annual international wine festival, held annually in Belgrade since 2004. Serbia has its own Prokupac grape; used alone it makes a light, fruity red. International varieties, notably Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay, are increasingly being planted. Labels to watch out for are Terra Lazarica, Podrum Radovanovic, Podrum Zivkovic, Podrum Radenkovic, Aleksandrovic, etc

Serbian wineries and Serbian wines covers this market in detail and allows you to comment and rate wines.

Where to buy wines

Among the hyper markets in Belgrade, you will find the best selection of wines in Super Maxi in Delta City, Merkator and Super Vero. They all host a small but decent selection of international wines. For a wider choice, you'll have to check out one of the following specialized wine places:

  • Srpska Kuća Vina, Braničevska1
  • Kuća Vina, Đorđa Stanojevića 11đ, lokal 3 (Belveille, zgrada Jorgovan), 064/2000218, 011/6300984
  • Compania de Vinos, Kalenićeva 3, Phone: 011/2449407
  • Vinodom, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10a/21, Novi Beograd, Phone: 011/3118747
  • Vinoteka, Makedonska 24, 011/3224047
  • Chianti, Lomina 41, 011/2644148
  • Veritas, Zmaj Jovina 27, Zemun, 011/3118747
  • Maisons de Vins, Požarevačka 13, 011/3442422
  • Hedonist, Kralja Milana 3, 011/3228041
  • Wonderland, Svetog Save 25, 011/3830455
  • Wine & Whiskey Store, Njegoševa 40, 011/3087700
  • Vinoteka Royal, Karadjordjeva 3, 011/3033024
  • Enoteka Premier, Straninjića Bana 13a, Phone: 011/2910381
  • Vinoteka 24, Prilaz 24, Zemun, Phone: 011/2613125
  • Wine Bar, Dositejeva 13, 011/2626267
  • Cerpromet, Skenderbegova 27, Jedrenska 1, Zaplanjska 22, 011/2183391

Specialized wine shops in Novi Sad:

  • Wine Time, Železnička 20, 021/427874
  • Vinodrom, Radnička 4a, 021/424114

Montenegrin Wines

Wines from Montenegro are better known internationally, are generally of good quality and are widely available on the market. Watch out for Krstač and Vranac. Krstač is Montenegro's top white grape and wine. Vranac is a local vigorous and abundant red grape and wine.

Tip for wine lovers:

In his "Pocket Wine Book 2006", Hugh Johnson lists the 2003 Plantaže Vranac from Montenegro in the "Selection for 2006" section. You can get it in any supermarket. For your convenience, the front and back label are shown below.

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