TravelSerbia.Info - Your travel guide for Serbia

Getting Around Serbia by Bus

Getting around Serbia by bus is a good option even though bus services vary greatly in speed and comfort. Timetables are not readily available on the internet apart from the few major cities, so if you are planning your trip in advance your best option is to call the departure bus terminal. Belgrade has a well organised bus station, but the majority of other stations throughout the country is a bit dodgy and displayed timetables aren't always reliable.

Belgrade Bus Station

Timetable for the Belgrade Bus Station in English.

For information and bookings you can call the following numbers (but don't expect the person on the other line to speak English!):

  • +381(0)11 2636 299
  • +381(0)11 2627 146
  • +381(0)11 6658 759
  • +381(0)11 2180 377
  • +381(0)11 2622 526

Novi Sad Bus Station

Timetable for the Novi Sad Bus Station in English.

  • Information on departures and arrivals in intercity and international transportation: +381(0)21 444 022
  • Reservations in intercity and international transportation: +381(0)21 444 896

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