TravelSerbia.Info - Your travel guide for Serbia

This is a privacy policy for TravelSerbia.Info. TravelSerbia.Info respects your privacy. Below is an outline of the information that TravelSerbia.Info gathers and how it's used.

We invite you to contact us if you have questions about this policy. You may contact us by mail at

Whenever you request a page through your browser, navigation and clickstream data such as:

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  • Website and system administration,
  • research and development,
  • anonymous user analysis, and
  • to provide accurate statistics to advertisers in the form of aggregated data.

This information is kept on a secure server hosted by ASO in Atlanta, GA.

In addition to the above, this website uses Google Adsense which uses cookies to serve ads based on a user's prior visits to your website.

If you have questions regarding our privacy policies please contact us at

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