TravelSerbia.Info - Your travel guide for Serbia

Border Customs

It is the obligation of each traveler to show, at the request of the customs officer, all articles that he/she is bringing into the country. If the goods whose import is banned are found their import will not be allowed; the person importing such goods will be ordered to return them abroad, and warned that the goods will be confiscated unless returned abroad within the fixed period of time.

Failure to declare goods to the customs officer on crossing the customs line constitutes a breach of customs regulations. In addition to a fine, the protective measure of confiscation of goods may be pronounced by the Customs Offences Commission if the offender has not met the requirements for importing these goods or if they are imported for another person.

Import of Goods

Foreign visitors are entitled to import into Serbia, without payment of customs duty and other charges, articles for their personal use while on a trip (personal luggage) regardless of whether these items are carried with them or transported by a carrier.

Articles considered to serve for the personal use of travelers coming from abroad are clothes, shoes, toiletries, etc., in quantities needed by the traveler concerned in view of his/her occupation, season, purpose of trip, duration and other circumstances of the trip and stay in Serbia.

In accordance with the Convention on Customs Privileges in Tourism, the personal luggage being brought in by the traveler may include one liter of wine, 3/4 liter of a strong alcoholic drink and 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco, 1/4 liter of eau de cologne or a smaller quantity of perfume as well as the usual quantity of medicine provided that the traveler declared that such a medicine is needed for his/her personal use. The usual quantity means as a rule one to three packs of medicine, or the quantity deemed to be adequate for personal use.

When entering the country technical and mechanical goods for personal use will be placed on a list, including the type and quantity, with an indication of all characteristic features on the basis of which it is possible to identify them on returning them abroad (brand, type, factory number, etc.). The customs officer will compare the details in the list with the goods, and certify the correctly made up list affixing the official seal and his signature. A copy thereof will be retained by the customs office and the other copy will be handed to the foreign visitor.

The customs officer will make a note in the visitor's passport which means "temporarily imported goods", abbreviated "PUR".

On leaving Serbia and taking out of the country the items temporarily brought in as indicated in the list, the foreign visitor is obliged to submit the list to the exit customs office. Upon establishing the identity of the goods the customs officer will annul the note "PUR" previously inserted in the foreign visitor's passport.

The goods temporarily imported into Serbia, unless returned abroad by the person who brought them into the country on his/her departure from Serbia, are subject to payment of import duties. The customs office concerned will ex officio institute proceedings for the committed offence of customs regulations.

Export of goods

Foreign nationals are entitled to export from Serbia also items not intended for trade if the export of these items is not banned by the law or if no export license issued by the competent authorities is required for the export of such goods.

Items of archaeological, historical or ethnographic value, works of art and other items having scientific or cultural significance (for example gold coins, paintings, antiquities, hunting trophies) may only be exported if an export license has been issued by the competent authorities. Relevant information may be obtained from the city or airport customs offices.


Taking Dinar (CSD) in and out of the country

Foreign nationals may take in or out of the country Dinar in the maximum amount of 120,000 per person, in 1,000 bank notes or smaller denominations. Exceptionally, larger amounts of Dinar may be brought into the country if they are purchased in a foreign bank. The bank receipt produced to the customs authorities must correspond to the amount brought in the country.

Taking foreign currency, checks and securities in and out of the country

Foreign nationals may take out of the country foreign exchange in the amount not exceeding 10,000 Euros, foreign exchange in the amount reported on entering the country as well as foreign exchange withdrawn from his foreign exchange account, i.e. foreign exchange savings account. Foreign nationals may take out of the country securities they acquired in line with the regulations in force.

On entering the country, a foreign national is obliged to report foreign exchange taken in the country, filling out a form provided and verified by a customs authority. On the basis of this receipt, a non-resident is entitled to take out of the country the unused amount of the reported foreign exchange. The receipt is valid until he leaves the country for the first time.


Bringing of weapons by individuals into, or their transit through, Serbia is prohibited, except for hunting purposes if hunting is organized by Hunters' Association of Serbia.

Radio transmitters

Radio transmitters - amateur radio transmitters may be imported provided a license has been obtained in advance from the competent authorities (Ministry of Transport and Communications of Serbia).


Individuals, both domestic and foreign, may import animals into Serbia in quantities intended for resale subject to the payment of customs duty and other charges, provided that they posses proof of health condition of the animal, and provided they have obtained at the relevant Serbia border crossing a document issued by the competent Yugoslav authorities confirming that veterinary-sanitary checkup has been made.

Cats and dogs must have a veterinary certificate confirming that they are healthy. It must be certified by the veterinary service in the place of origin or the place from which they come.

Further Information

Customs Administration

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